Working in Germany

Work as a trained specialist in Germany

For nursing professionals who are already trained, we offer:

Integration, support and job placement

Our mission is to bridge the gap in the care sector by connecting world-class professionals from different parts of the world with German healthcare institutions. We understand that onboarding new caregivers is an important step. Our team will guide you through the integration process to ensure you feel comfortable with your team and community. We also provide support with administrative tasks and help with the recognition of qualifications.

This is your chance to gain exciting professional experience in Germany.

Muslim nurse talking to a senior patient at the hospital and smiling - healthcare and medicine concepts


1. application

You submit your application documents using the online application form on our website. Our team of experts carefully examines the applications and makes an initial pre-selection based on the qualifications, experience and personal interests of the applicants.

2. Matching with care facilities

As soon as a care facility wants to get to know you as an applicant, an online interview takes place. In this conversation you get to know each other and clarify open questions.

3. Document review

We take care of checking various documents, such as references, certificates, employment contracts and other relevant documents. This allows us to ensure that all required documents are translated correctly and precisely.

4. visa

We offer comprehensive support in applying for and obtaining your visa. Our experienced team accompanies you through the application process, prepares all the necessary documents and is at your side if you have any questions or anything is unclear.

5. Welcome Weeks

The PflegeXperts Welcome Weeks are a specially designed introductory phase aimed at giving foreign professionals a smooth start in Germany. During these weeks we provide full support and guidance to ensure all professionals feel welcome from the start and are well integrated into their new work environment. 

6. Integration

Our work does not end with the job placement. We support the professionals in their integration into the nursing facility and promote open communication and cooperation with the nursing staff and other colleagues.

I decide to do an apprenticeship in Germany

I learn German (at least B2 level)

Application process including a video call

Equal opportunity application to the Darmstadt Regional Council

Visa application, entry into Germany as well as moving into an apartment and start of the integration process

Gender equality procedure with 200 hours, adaptation period and state examination

After 20-32 months, you’ve done it! You are a state-approved nurse in Germany.

Our partner

Together with the Lernwerkstatt Pflege, we will accompany you until your professional title is officially recognized and offer you everything you need to get started as a specialist in your profession in Germany.

Apply now online and free of charge and start your new life.

This is what our
trainees and students report...

Learn more about the stories and experiences of our trainees, students and professionals and let us convince you!

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Apply now

Contact us today and let’s make your dreams come true together! We look forward to assisting you on your journey to success and laying the foundation for a fulfilling nursing career in Germany.